Common Errors Part 3 : Appraise and Apprise

Appraise and Apprise


Pronunciation : //uh PRAZE//
To determine/confirm the value or worth of something
To estimate / assess
To evaluate or set a price for something.  

For example :

"car inspection" "inspecting car" "sports car" "blue car" "appraise"
1) Please make sure you appraise the car before you buy it.
2) Before buying that antique chair, she had it appraised.
3) She appraised the risks and benefits carefully, before making the decision to accept the offer.
4) Once a year, they will appraise the staff's performance.
"house inspection" "inspecting house" "home" "appraise"
5) They appraised the contents of the house before selling it. 


Pronunciation : //uh PRIZE//
To give notice.
To inform or notify someone.

For example :

1) They apprised her of her husband's death.
2) Please apprise her of her duties and responsibilities.
3) They did not apprise me of the terms and conditions.
"arresting" "police" "arrest" "crime"4) The police officer apprised him of his rights before arresting him.
5) They are doing everything to keep her apprised of the situation.
6) Her job is to apprise him as soon as the shipment arrives. 



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