Explanation for the English Grammar Quiz

1) They avoided him like the plague when they found out he had deserted his family.
Notes : 
Avoided like the plague is a term that means to shun / to ignore.
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
To desert means to abandon.

2) I better wash my mouth after that sweet dessert as I do not want any plaque to form and cause tooth decay.
Notes : Dessert is a dish taken at the end of the meal such as cakes, ice-cream and so on.

3) She applied for the position of Personal Assistant.
Notes : Personal Assistant is a job title.

4) He was not concerned because he knew his Superior would appraise the situation carefully before making any decision.
Notes :
Concerned - Worried.
Appraise - To evaluate.

5) One of the effects of the plague known as the Black Death was the huge numbers of death.
Notes : Effects - results or consequences.

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
6) She is going to become a desert resident until she has completed her research so I hope she has made the necessary preparations.
Notes : Resident is a person residing at a place.

7) Thanks for the concern but I don't need your assistance to apprise him of the situation.
Notes : To apprise means to inform/notify.

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
8) I would like to seek your consent to hire more staff as my workload is increasing and I need some assistance.
Notes :
Consent - means permission / approval.
Assistance - help.
We CANNOT say : and I need assistant. 
You can say : 
and I need an assistant / 
and I need assistance.
9) He did not let the loss of his personal belongings affect him.
Notes :
Personal belongings - Private belongings (One's property).
Personnel - Group of people working for a company.

10) If you are planning to change your residence, you need to apprise the bank so the bank will know where to mail all the correspondences.
Notes :
Residence - is a place where a person stays (a home).
Resident - is a person staying at a place.
Apprise - to inform / notify.

English Grammar Quiz

Common Errors Part 6 : Desert and Dessert

Desert - ONE 'S'

pronounced as [dez-ert]*

 It means a place that does not have much plants growing.
A place with not much water.
A hot, sandy place. 
For example : The Sahara Desert.
It also refers to any place that does not have much people staying (habitation) – an uninhabited place. 

pronounced as [dih-zurt]*

1) It can also mean to leave a place or someone without wanting to return/come back. (abandon / quit)
For example :
He deserted his family.
2) For military personnel, to leave their service or duty.
For example :
"battle" "war" "fight" "army" "animated" "army vehicle"The sergeant deserted his post on the eve of battle.
battle - fight/war

3) To fail someone / let someone down.
For example :
When his friends found out about his illness, they deserted him. 
Idioms :
To get one's just deserts
To receive one's just deserts
pronounced as [dih-zurt]*

To be punished or awarded based on one's action or behavior.
To get something appropriate to one's action.
Reward or punishment that is deserved.
For example :
1) She never does her work properly, now that she has been fired, I feel that she has gotten her just deserts.
"smiley" "Well done" "approved" "Excellent" "Great job" "Good"
2) She has always been hardworking so with her promotion, she has gotten her just deserts.
3) He got his just deserts when his wife divorced him.

"waffle" "Ice-cream" "delicious dessert" "mouth-watering" "rich food" "sweet"
Image : http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
Dessert - TWO 'ss'
pronounced as [dih-zurt]*

Anything sweet such as ice-cream, cake, pie, fruits, pastry or pudding served as a final or last course of a meal.
For example :
1) I should skip dessert but it looks so delicious, I could not resist.
2) You can serve those delicious cakes for dessert. 

Common Errors Part 5 : Affect and Effect

Affect and Effect


1) is a Verb : which means you do something / something is done 
2) produce a change 
3) an action is done


1) is a Noun : something is done to you / something happens
2) the results or consequences 

For example :

1) I didn't want this to affect our friendship.
2) Winning the lottery will definitely affect his way of life.

3) This is the effect of his decision.
"success" "Business"
4) The special effects in the movie was good.
5) The medicine had a calming effect on her.

"happy" "ice" "smiley" "animated smiley" "smiley gif"6) The cold weather had no effect on her.
7) The cold weather did not affect her.
(something is being done. Cold weather is doing something – so use affect)

8) Her opinion had no effect on his decision.
9) Please do not let her opinion affect your decision. 
10) Losing the competition will have a bad effect on the team.
11) I hope losing the competition will not affect the team.
"lightning" "storm"
12) I hope the bad weather conditions will not have a negative effect on the profit.
13) I hope the bad weather conditions will not affect the profit. 


1) in effect
operating or functioning / in force
For example :
A) The ruling is now in effect.
B) Beginning tomorrow, the new law will be in effect. 

2) take effect
to go into operation / begin to function / to produce a result
For example :
"fever smiley" "rising temperature" "animated smiley" "ill"She took the medicine prescribed by the doctor but it failed to take effect.

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Common Errors Part 4 : Plague and Plaque

Plague vs Plaque


Image : http://en.wikipedia.org/
with g – plague
Pronounced as [pleyg]
*from dictionary.com

1) Plague is an epidemic and infection disease that spreads easily from one victim to another.
Plague normally will cause widespread death as it spreads easily from one person to another sometimes through the air, animals or water droplets.
Examples are the Bubonic Plague (infection of the lymph nodes), Pneumonic Plague (infection of the lungs) and Septicemic Plague (infection of the blood).

2) To plague : To trouble / To annoy / To bother / 
To torment (make a person suffer)
For example :
i) He likes to plague us by turning up uninvited to our parties.
"plagued by flies" "fly infestation" "dirty restaurant" "Flies on food"
Image : http://www.bradfitzpatrick.com/
ii) He did not have an enjoyable dinner as his little sister plagued him throughout the whole dinner.
iii) We did not enjoy eating at that restaurant as we were plagued by flies. 
Idioms :
Avoid like the plague
Means : 
To ignore / To shun / To boycott / To avoid / To ostracize
For example :
i) The new girl has been avoided like the plague when they found out that her brother is a drug addict.
ii) Ever since his father was convicted and jailed, people have been avoiding his entire family like the plague. 
"shun" "Avoid like the plague" "boycott" "ignore" "avoid"
Image : http://brucesereta.blogspot.com/
ii) She did not like working there because for no apparent reason, her colleagues have been avoiding her like the plague.  


with q – plaque
Pronounced as [plak]
*from dictionary.com

1) Mucus and bacteria on the surface of the tooth. Plaque contributes to tooth decay and gum disease.
2) Plaque also refers to the deposit of fatty materials or cholesterol on the inner lining of the arteries.
3) A small pin or brooch worn as an ornament (decoration) or badge showing membership to a club, cause, event, etc.
4) A commemorative plaque, usually attached to a wall to commemorate a deceased person or event.
"First World War Memorial Plaque"
Image : http://en.wikipedia.org/
deceased – dead
For example : 
1) This is the First World War Memorial Plaque.