Answers to the Idioms Quiz

The Crossword Puzzle can be found here :  
Crossword Puzzle - Idioms 

These are the answers together with an explanation of the Idioms : 

1) Once bitten twice shy
Explanation :
Learning from our mistakes.
After having a bad experience, you won't commit the same mistake.  

2) Jack of all trades.
Explanation :
Does a lot of things but does not master anything.
To know a lot of skills but is not outstanding in any.

3) Half a loaf is better than none.
Explanation :
Getting less than what you wanted is better than getting nothing at all.
Something is better than nothing.
* The idiom is teaching us to be grateful for what we have.  

4) Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Explanation :
We should not judge other people or criticize them as we all have weaknesses and strengths. 
Don't judge other people without looking at oneself.
*Reminds us to be careful of how we treat each other.

5) To add insult to injury.
Explanation :
To make a bad experience even more painful.

6) To bury the hatchet.
Explanation : 
Forget past quarrels / 
To forgive each other and become friends again.

7) To have cold feet.
Explanation :
Changing your mind or
losing your courage at the last minute.

8) A wolf in sheep's clothing.
Explanation : 
A person who cannot be trusted.
SheepThe person may act sweet 
and nice in front of you but talks bad about you behind your back.
A person who may look good but is actually bad.    
9) To smell a rat.
Explanation : 
To be suspicious of something or someone. 

10) Charity begins at home.
Explanation : 
One should take care of one's family first.
Family is the most important thing in a person's life.

11) Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Explanation : 
Don't take the risk of just relying on one thing as you might face the risk of losing everything. 
Keep your options open and have a back-up plan. 

12) To turn over a new leaf.
Explanation :
Change one's life for the better.
Learn from your mistakes and become a better person.

13) Penny wise, pound foolish.
Explanation : 
Spending money on unnecessary things.

14) To beat about the bush.
Explanation :
To not come straight to the point.
Talk in a long-winded manner.
To not tell the truth.

15) Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Explanation : 
If you pamper your children too much and do not discipline them, they will grow up spoilt.

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